Hello, one of the photos taken of me in Washington last month has been selected for the Beauty of the Month contest at http://www.femmefever.com/Beauties.html
The contest is by vote and I am asking everyone to look at the girls that have been selected and vote for the one that you like. If I happened to get the most votes that great, if not I will try again. Thanks
I am 58 year old, white married and bisexual. My wife does not know that I am bi and that I meet other men. I also like to dress up in woman cloths for the pleasure of others. My bi man name is Roger who only has been bi for fifteen years. My CD name is Cindy who has only enjoyed the pleasures of cross-dressing for the last five years. I am working in Saudi Arabia where they put you in jail for being gay. This place is not safe for Cindy to dress and play.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Professional photo shoot Washington DC
I had to go to Washington DC for business. I arrived on Tues and was to be finished work by Thursday afternoon and would be free until Sunday when I was scheduled to return to Miami Beach. But as work goes, my work was not finished until Friday after 2 PM. I did make some plans to dress while in DC, actually I was in Georgetown and Alexandria. One of the people I contacted was a local photographer who takes professional photos of Cross-dressers. He has a website with several examples of his work. www.teezphotos.com After seeing his photo of other CD's I agreed to pay his normal fee and agree to have him meet me at my hotel. The photo shoot was set for Sat. at 10:30.
On Sat. morning I shaved and was very careful to put on my make up. It took me a hour but I was happy with the contouring. I tried on several of my outfits to find the right one or combination of top and skirts that would look good in a photo. One of the cross-dressing clothing sites puts on a picture contest for the best looking photo of a CD and has a category for Mature CD. The site is http://www.femmefever.com/Beauties.html
Keith arrived on time with his lights in one bag and camera in another. In five minutes he was ready to start shooting photos of Cindy. Keith had a very good rapport for making his model at ease.
The protographers tranny web site is http://www.teezphotos.com/portfolio-index.html
He has posted a few pictures of me on this site.
He shot photos on the couch, standing, seated on the bed. I changed my outfits a couple of times and changed my wig from Brunette to Blond. Tank a look at the pictures and see which ones you like the best.
On Sat. morning I shaved and was very careful to put on my make up. It took me a hour but I was happy with the contouring. I tried on several of my outfits to find the right one or combination of top and skirts that would look good in a photo. One of the cross-dressing clothing sites puts on a picture contest for the best looking photo of a CD and has a category for Mature CD. The site is http://www.femmefever.com/Beauties.html
Keith arrived on time with his lights in one bag and camera in another. In five minutes he was ready to start shooting photos of Cindy. Keith had a very good rapport for making his model at ease.
He has posted a few pictures of me on this site.
He shot photos on the couch, standing, seated on the bed. I changed my outfits a couple of times and changed my wig from Brunette to Blond. Tank a look at the pictures and see which ones you like the best.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
New Nexus5
I purchased a new Nexus5 phone from Amazon. It arrived and when I inserted the simm chip it did not work. I tried a couple of time setting the APN but it did not work. Finally I went on like with Straight Talk support and we tried several times to set up the phone. It did not work. I was asked if the phone was unlocked and I said I purchased one that was. I continued trying to setup the APN and some how hit the down volume and on button at the same time, up appears some Android programming stuff that said the phone was not unlocked.
I then went on line to see what it took to unlock the nexus5. Not a lot, just two software programs. In fifeen minutes, the phone was unlocked and I was setting up the APN and still the phone did not work. Finally I said to heck with Straight Talk and installed a T mobile simm chip. I went on line to do the install and when I put in the serial number, guess what happen.
I was told the phone was stolen, yep, stolen and could not complete the install. Now I have new cell phone that I can not use as a phone, it does go on line WiFi and is great, fast, nice screen but now phone. I contacted Amazon but this was purchased from another company and I have to contact them direct to get this fix. I guess they will send a new one and I will return this one but in the mean time I do not have a phone and everyone is calling me and it is going to the voice mail.
I have a version phone I can activate on a month by month until I can get this phone fixed. It does text but with the number keys and it just takes more keystrokes than I am willing to do. But what are you going to do?
I then went on line to see what it took to unlock the nexus5. Not a lot, just two software programs. In fifeen minutes, the phone was unlocked and I was setting up the APN and still the phone did not work. Finally I said to heck with Straight Talk and installed a T mobile simm chip. I went on line to do the install and when I put in the serial number, guess what happen.
I was told the phone was stolen, yep, stolen and could not complete the install. Now I have new cell phone that I can not use as a phone, it does go on line WiFi and is great, fast, nice screen but now phone. I contacted Amazon but this was purchased from another company and I have to contact them direct to get this fix. I guess they will send a new one and I will return this one but in the mean time I do not have a phone and everyone is calling me and it is going to the voice mail.
I have a version phone I can activate on a month by month until I can get this phone fixed. It does text but with the number keys and it just takes more keystrokes than I am willing to do. But what are you going to do?
Men and woman Underwear
I have a friend that has a website to seal men underwear and woman underwear. This is not the normal type of tidy whity stuff for the men, and the items for the woman are sexy too.
I ask that you visit his site and buy something or leave a comment about what you would like to see on the site.
I ask that you visit his site and buy something or leave a comment about what you would like to see on the site.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Cindy's links
These are some of my links I give our to people I meet on the Internet.
Yahoo IM cindyusa58
Blog http://cindyusa58.blogspot.com/
Yahoo IM cindyusa58
Blog http://cindyusa58.blogspot.com/
June 15 I am feeling better
I am feeling better. I moved out of my office to an open
area where it is not as cold.
Week after next is the week of 23 June 14 I am going to fly to
Washington DC. I have to testify on a wrongful termination case on a
project that I worked when in Afghanistan. I will be up in DC for five
days and hopping that I might get out one or two nights as Cindy. I even
brought a new dress, a black above the knee, button down the front dress and I
have a white over the shoulder sweeter/vest. With my new silver flats and
my silver belt, it will look good for an evening night out in Georgetown.
I have posted an ad on craigslist in DC, looking for places where
a CD can go. I have gotten several places and a few request to escort me.
It will be exciting to walk the streets (no pun intended) and enjoy the
night air and anything that might happen.
On Sat. I met a very nice man who had seen my photo on one of the
dating websites and wanted to provide some comments. He is a professional
makeup artist and offered his services to help me look more like a woman.
We have tried to meet over the last two weeks but our schedule did not
match. Yesterday we were able to meet and for almost three hours I got
the benefit of his years of experience. He is from Puerto Rico and speaks
very good English so we were able to communicate. Matter of fact we
chatted on a number of subjects not just makeup.
I found out I have a pear shape, that green color foundation is
good to cover red spots on my face. I know now to use light foundation
over the bones and dark foundation under the bones, like the cheek bone and the
jaw bone. I now need to buy some more makeup to replace what I have given
away thing I was going to move. Speaking of moving, I was just about to
accept a job work in Iraq that would triple my take home pay. Well, on
the Cable News you can see Iraq has been taken over by the bad guys and it is
not safe or US or UK citizens to be in Iraq. I have decided not to accept
the position. I had another position offered to me to work in South America
I am moving forward on this job possibility. I should know by the end of
the month if I am going to move or stay on Miami Beach.
My old cell phone was not working well, so purchased a google
Nexus 5. It is a very nice phone. Very fast at downloading email.
I got the email and WfFi to work but having some issues with setting up
the phone. I use a month by month cell phone account from Straight Talk.
I have researched the Internet for setup information on mobile networks
and setting up Access Point Names. At first my phone told me the network
was not available. Now after many times entering the APN information, I
am told I am not authorized for that service. Without a phone I cannot
call to get tech support so will wait until I am work and then will call.
Sort of sucks not having a phone. I was hopping on making a few
connections today but without the phone that is very hard.
I had a man who wanted to take pictures of Cindy but when he found
out that I had house guests, I guess it meeting was not as discrete as he would
have liked and so canceled. I had another gentleman who expressed an
interest in meeting me today, so I dressed, only to have him canceled because
of the time it took to reply to his email. Finding someone to take
pictures of a CD or to have a drink at a bar with a CD is next to impossible.
I am looking to start an adult website, just for CD. The
idea is to develop an adult web site that requires low maintenance, low capital
investment yet have a potential in making money.
The adult site would be for CD, either in this closet or not.
I would offer free membership with some special feature if you elect to
pay. I would offer an on line store for shopping. There would be
banners to generate revenue to cover the cost of operation. I would
encourage member to post armature photos and video then offer them to sell with
the member and web site splitting the cost. As the income increased I would add
features like video chat which takes a lot of bandwidth and additional costs.
If anyone has any ideas about starting an adult web site please
let me know. If anyone has suggestions on what you would like to see in an
adult web site or information about an adult web site please send me an email
at cindyusa58@yahoo.com . I have done research from the Internet and it
will cost about $600 to buy a template and convert to what I would like to see
for a web site. and between $5 and $300 a month to support the website.
I have found one nice CD that thinks the way I do about the adult
web site and we are going to work on the project together. It is not a
simple task and I have found a great reference source on the Internet with
steps required. There is a lot of legal stuff to do up front like setting up a
corporation and making sure we pay or taxes. I am told the one way to get
into trouble with an adult website is not to pay your taxes.
From what I have read it a good adult web site should make $1000 a
month to $10,000 a month. That could be a good income split between the corporations.
Well that is all
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
under the weather
Since Monday Cindy has been under the weather with chills, fever and body ache. Her office is so cold she had to leave work early to get warm. Cindy is feeling better but have some gastric distress. She is sure she will be feeling better in a day or two.
There might be big things happening in Cindy's near future. She might be moving to a new job located in Iraq. The money would be three times what she is making now. Of course Cindy would not be able to play when in Iraq and it would mean she would have to go back in the closet. This is a big decision, freedom to be Cindy or pay off bills and have money for retirement. She hopes to know something this week and will post any news.
Over the last holiday, my family visited Cindy who of course could not be Cindy but had to be Roger had to pack up all of Cindy's things and asked a friend to hold them for her. It was sort of like purging but she did keep a couple of outfits and her favorites heels. If Cindy takes the overseas job in Iraq, then all of her stuff she had a friend store will be his (who dresses from time to time and is about the same size).
If Cindy is going to work in Iraq, she need a last hoorah and is planning on going to Sweet Wednesday in July. She will fly over to London, stop for two days, go to Sweet Wednesday for the afternoon and evening then maybe have someone to take back to her room. Sweet Wednesday is a very famous gay venue in London. It is only open two Wednesday a month with the rest of the time it is open as a gay bar and Hotel.
There are several bedroom upstairs with the bar being at street level. Below the street is the club that has a bar and a lot of dark hallways, cubby holes, rooms with platforms and foam mats where you can recline for the pleasure of others. On a average night over 50 CD, TV, TG, or TS will arrive early to get dressed. Once dressed you go down stairs to the club and you will find over the afternoon and even over 300 admires who will try to find a CD, TV, TG or TS to suck their cock or to bend over. Most guys will sample as many CD, TV, TG or TS as possible before they come. The exciting time is about 30 min before closing time, the guys that have not cum is not wanting to get off and will find any warm mouth for that purpose. So for the few CD, TV, TG or TS if you stay till the end, you will get several presents.
http://www.sweetwednesday.co.uk/ this is the link to Sweet Wednesday's web site.
There might be big things happening in Cindy's near future. She might be moving to a new job located in Iraq. The money would be three times what she is making now. Of course Cindy would not be able to play when in Iraq and it would mean she would have to go back in the closet. This is a big decision, freedom to be Cindy or pay off bills and have money for retirement. She hopes to know something this week and will post any news.
Over the last holiday, my family visited Cindy who of course could not be Cindy but had to be Roger had to pack up all of Cindy's things and asked a friend to hold them for her. It was sort of like purging but she did keep a couple of outfits and her favorites heels. If Cindy takes the overseas job in Iraq, then all of her stuff she had a friend store will be his (who dresses from time to time and is about the same size).
If Cindy is going to work in Iraq, she need a last hoorah and is planning on going to Sweet Wednesday in July. She will fly over to London, stop for two days, go to Sweet Wednesday for the afternoon and evening then maybe have someone to take back to her room. Sweet Wednesday is a very famous gay venue in London. It is only open two Wednesday a month with the rest of the time it is open as a gay bar and Hotel.
There are several bedroom upstairs with the bar being at street level. Below the street is the club that has a bar and a lot of dark hallways, cubby holes, rooms with platforms and foam mats where you can recline for the pleasure of others. On a average night over 50 CD, TV, TG, or TS will arrive early to get dressed. Once dressed you go down stairs to the club and you will find over the afternoon and even over 300 admires who will try to find a CD, TV, TG or TS to suck their cock or to bend over. Most guys will sample as many CD, TV, TG or TS as possible before they come. The exciting time is about 30 min before closing time, the guys that have not cum is not wanting to get off and will find any warm mouth for that purpose. So for the few CD, TV, TG or TS if you stay till the end, you will get several presents.
http://www.sweetwednesday.co.uk/ this is the link to Sweet Wednesday's web site.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Flickr photo site
If you have not heard of Flickr photo storage site then you need to go to Flickr.com
You can store for free one terabit of photograph and video at this site for free.
You can have restricted photo should you photos be on the R or X rated type.
As Cindy I have gotten "adicked" to posting photos of me on the Flickr site. If you go to Flickr.com and search for CindyUSA or CindyUSA2 you should find my photos.
You can store for free one terabit of photograph and video at this site for free.
You can have restricted photo should you photos be on the R or X rated type.
As Cindy I have gotten "adicked" to posting photos of me on the Flickr site. If you go to Flickr.com and search for CindyUSA or CindyUSA2 you should find my photos.
Photo shoot
Craigslist is free advertisement site where you can post a message for just about anything and get someone to respond. I have posted for MM sex, MF sex, T4M sex, T4MW sex and have found sex. I have also posted a message for T4T for a sister or nice or other girlfriend and have found several.
So it is easy to find sex on Craigslist a little harder to find a friend who understand the need to CD.
To get to know people I have been posting to Craigslist for a photographer to take photos of Cindy. Over the last three months I must have meet eight men who wanted to take pictures of Cindy. Half took advantaged of the meeting to take x rated photos and proceed to enjoy Cindy in a Carnal way. Not that I minded, it was a easy way to break the ice when meeting someone. The other half did not desire Cindy. One photographer, a professional photographer, responded to my ad and side he would like to take some photos of me. I agreed to meet him for a outdoors shoot. We went to a street end near the beach that was landscaped and had open shade. He had a great camera, a Cannon that took very good pictures of Cindy.
All pictures were G rated since we were out in public. He was very professional in taking the photos. After about 50 shots we went back to his place to download the photos. He showed his back yard that was a Tiki deck setup and said next time he would shoot some there. I thanked him for his time and the photos, he never indicted he wanted anything else. I have not had time to call him for a second photo shoot.
On 7 June I met David who responded to two of my ads, one for a photographer and one for, will you know, sex. In the emails leading up to our meeting, I got the wrong impression that he wanted to take photos. When he arrived, I give him the camera which he accepted and proceed to take G rated photos of Cindy. A couple of hours later, we took a break and I was trying to feel him out as if he wanted to do more than take photos, when Andrew, my house guest arrived. He got a call to work on his day off so had to get ready for work. I guess it was lucky that David and I were not otherwise engaged. Five minutes after Andrew left, my second house guest arrived and left seeing that I was not alone but it was too late for David, he had another engagement. So David left unsatisfied, Cindy was left horny, Cindy had some wonderful pictures. I do not think this was a Win-Win meeting.
So it is easy to find sex on Craigslist a little harder to find a friend who understand the need to CD.
To get to know people I have been posting to Craigslist for a photographer to take photos of Cindy. Over the last three months I must have meet eight men who wanted to take pictures of Cindy. Half took advantaged of the meeting to take x rated photos and proceed to enjoy Cindy in a Carnal way. Not that I minded, it was a easy way to break the ice when meeting someone. The other half did not desire Cindy. One photographer, a professional photographer, responded to my ad and side he would like to take some photos of me. I agreed to meet him for a outdoors shoot. We went to a street end near the beach that was landscaped and had open shade. He had a great camera, a Cannon that took very good pictures of Cindy.
All pictures were G rated since we were out in public. He was very professional in taking the photos. After about 50 shots we went back to his place to download the photos. He showed his back yard that was a Tiki deck setup and said next time he would shoot some there. I thanked him for his time and the photos, he never indicted he wanted anything else. I have not had time to call him for a second photo shoot.
On 7 June I met David who responded to two of my ads, one for a photographer and one for, will you know, sex. In the emails leading up to our meeting, I got the wrong impression that he wanted to take photos. When he arrived, I give him the camera which he accepted and proceed to take G rated photos of Cindy. A couple of hours later, we took a break and I was trying to feel him out as if he wanted to do more than take photos, when Andrew, my house guest arrived. He got a call to work on his day off so had to get ready for work. I guess it was lucky that David and I were not otherwise engaged. Five minutes after Andrew left, my second house guest arrived and left seeing that I was not alone but it was too late for David, he had another engagement. So David left unsatisfied, Cindy was left horny, Cindy had some wonderful pictures. I do not think this was a Win-Win meeting.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Update on low T
I was diagnosed that I had low T and prescribe AstroGel. I was told that with a medication for low T such as AstorGel that I would loose a couple of pounds a month. I took the AstroGel for two months and did not loose a pound, if any I gained weight. I am not in size 40 pants and they are tight on me. The AstroGel cost $80 a month, my insurance does not pay for this medication. During six weeks of that first two months I changed my diet and cut back to 1000 to 1400 calories a day. On the AstroGel the only thing I noticed was that my erection was harder. I still do not cum quickly. I tried to top but still can not get hard enough. I have not notice any other changes, except my gray hair looks darker, but that might be my imagination.
I quite taking the AstorGel because of the warnings and the fact that two people I know had heart attacks and died. They might not have been using AstroGel but why take the risk.
I will find a herbal cure for low T. I still have to loose 30 lbs., it is not healthy. Besides not a lot of men want to meet a CD that looks 6 months pregnant
I went to a plastic surgeon and asked him to remove my few extra pounds around the middle. He said that my weight was internal, not external and that I needed to do two things.
Two things I do not like to do, just do not have the time to exercise and the diet thing I have tried and it is not working. I have decided to go to a weight loss center for obese people and see if they can help me. I will wright more on this subject.
I quite taking the AstorGel because of the warnings and the fact that two people I know had heart attacks and died. They might not have been using AstroGel but why take the risk.
I will find a herbal cure for low T. I still have to loose 30 lbs., it is not healthy. Besides not a lot of men want to meet a CD that looks 6 months pregnant
I went to a plastic surgeon and asked him to remove my few extra pounds around the middle. He said that my weight was internal, not external and that I needed to do two things.
Two things I do not like to do, just do not have the time to exercise and the diet thing I have tried and it is not working. I have decided to go to a weight loss center for obese people and see if they can help me. I will wright more on this subject.
House Guests
Guess I should start off by letting everyone know I have two house guests. I met both on line and they indicted they would be moving to Miami area and need a place to stay for a few days. I said sure, I have one queen size bed if you do not mind sharing. I offered to share my place not for sex but out of the desire to help someone. It turns out that I did the right thing. With the two house guest, it has affected who I meet and when but both know Cindy and what Cindy likes and does not mind taking a walk should I have to host someone. I have two blow up air mattress but one has a small leak and every four hours you have to plug in the electric pump to fill the mattress or your butt is on the ground. Today I plan on buying a new air mattress so my house guest will be comfortable.
My other house guest works in several restaurants and working different shifts and days. I do not see him that much. He will stay with me until he has the rent payment, with deposit saved up. He is quite as a church mouse.
Yesterday I told both of my house guest that I had someone schedule to visit me at noon and they needed to leave for a couple of hours. I am going to have to get one of the do not disturbed signs and put it on the door handle.
I did go out last time as Cindy and on the way home wanted to stopped by K-Mart to pick up the air mattress and got there after they closed. I thought all K-Mart were 24-hours but this one was not.
I had a date with a guy last night and driving back to Miami Beach. After the date my makeup was a mess and so was my wig and clothing. I would never be presentable with out some major work so decided to change into my guy cloths that I keep in the car. I will digress, the reason why I keep guy cloths in the car is for the following reason. I met a fellow CD on line. When we met we had a lot to talk about being a CD. He told me that the very first time he went out he went to the TS bar in Hollywood. After a few hours of having fun he decides to leave with one of the dancers. He is to follow the CD in her car. She pulls out he pulls out and wam, he is hit from the rear. No one was hurt but not he is standing the the street dressed as a woman, with a ID of a man and the police is on the way to investigate the accident. He has a old pair of sweat short and a tee-shirt in the car and changed quickly. He rubbed as much of the makeup off and by the time the police arrived, was more sober, dressed as a guy but still in a lot of explaining to do if anyone bothered to look at the time of the accident and the location. So after being told that story, I put a change of clothes in the car, including shores.
Last night I changed into my guy clothes because as Cindy I was not presentably to be in public.
Moral of the story, when dressed as a CD have a change of clothes just in case.
My other house guest works in several restaurants and working different shifts and days. I do not see him that much. He will stay with me until he has the rent payment, with deposit saved up. He is quite as a church mouse.
Yesterday I told both of my house guest that I had someone schedule to visit me at noon and they needed to leave for a couple of hours. I am going to have to get one of the do not disturbed signs and put it on the door handle.
I did go out last time as Cindy and on the way home wanted to stopped by K-Mart to pick up the air mattress and got there after they closed. I thought all K-Mart were 24-hours but this one was not.
I had a date with a guy last night and driving back to Miami Beach. After the date my makeup was a mess and so was my wig and clothing. I would never be presentable with out some major work so decided to change into my guy cloths that I keep in the car. I will digress, the reason why I keep guy cloths in the car is for the following reason. I met a fellow CD on line. When we met we had a lot to talk about being a CD. He told me that the very first time he went out he went to the TS bar in Hollywood. After a few hours of having fun he decides to leave with one of the dancers. He is to follow the CD in her car. She pulls out he pulls out and wam, he is hit from the rear. No one was hurt but not he is standing the the street dressed as a woman, with a ID of a man and the police is on the way to investigate the accident. He has a old pair of sweat short and a tee-shirt in the car and changed quickly. He rubbed as much of the makeup off and by the time the police arrived, was more sober, dressed as a guy but still in a lot of explaining to do if anyone bothered to look at the time of the accident and the location. So after being told that story, I put a change of clothes in the car, including shores.
Last night I changed into my guy clothes because as Cindy I was not presentably to be in public.
Moral of the story, when dressed as a CD have a change of clothes just in case.
I have not posted to this site as often as I should. I was talking to a friend yesterday and we discussed Cindy in general. Should this blog be just for Cindy or should this blog be for cross-dresser. If it is for Cindy then I would need to post things that are happening to me daily or at least weekly. I am not sure if that information would be important for others to read. Would it be interesting to know where Cindy shops and what she buys? Would it be interesting to learn that Cindy has two house guests staying with her?
Would it be interesting to learn that Cindy might be accepting a job in Iraq? Does anyone care how many people I meet and what we do?
I started this blog to provide information to other CD, TV, TG, TS and admires, to provide information on the subject of cross-dressing. I find the topic to be fastening and find myself surfing the Net or information that I can share. I only have a few followers and I do not get that many hits so maybe I need to change.
Since most of the stuff I put on this blog is from items I found on the Net, so can everyone else. The blog may not be a service in the area of providing information. I have received some comments form readers that they found my personal information about my low-T and my stories to be more interesting.
For the next few weeks let me see if I have the time to blog more. While it might be interested to hear about the people I meet, any details would have to be general. Can you image, posting the details that other might not appreciate like cock size or how quick they cum. So, I might post some information about the people I meet but not all the details. One man that I met asked me to post a story about him and our meeting. I did and I have not heard back from him.
I will keep the blog short and to the point, Cindy has decided to post more blogs about Cindy. If this blog is not information that you care to read, they suggest you delete this site. If you like this blog then please tell me by sending a email to cindyusa58@yahoo.com
Would it be interesting to learn that Cindy might be accepting a job in Iraq? Does anyone care how many people I meet and what we do?
I started this blog to provide information to other CD, TV, TG, TS and admires, to provide information on the subject of cross-dressing. I find the topic to be fastening and find myself surfing the Net or information that I can share. I only have a few followers and I do not get that many hits so maybe I need to change.
Since most of the stuff I put on this blog is from items I found on the Net, so can everyone else. The blog may not be a service in the area of providing information. I have received some comments form readers that they found my personal information about my low-T and my stories to be more interesting.
For the next few weeks let me see if I have the time to blog more. While it might be interested to hear about the people I meet, any details would have to be general. Can you image, posting the details that other might not appreciate like cock size or how quick they cum. So, I might post some information about the people I meet but not all the details. One man that I met asked me to post a story about him and our meeting. I did and I have not heard back from him.
I will keep the blog short and to the point, Cindy has decided to post more blogs about Cindy. If this blog is not information that you care to read, they suggest you delete this site. If you like this blog then please tell me by sending a email to cindyusa58@yahoo.com
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Low T
I just wanted to share this with everyone. I went to have my yearly physical. They did a standard blood test. All the results came back where they should be except one item, my testosterone level. I was 100 points low. I asked the doctor what does that mean. He listed several symptoms, they are listed below. Out of the many I feel that I have a couple, one was the loss of body hair, I am very smooth and this could be the reason. Second I have larger than normal breast for a guy, while I love my breasts it seems like there a reason for them. The third item I have in the last 6 months gained 30 lbs and it all around my middle. I have a old man gut, not lady like at all unless you have a desire to date a pregnant woman.
Another symptom was the lack of erection or staying hard, which again one reason why I am a submissive bottom.
So the doctor said that he can prescribe a testosterone gel, that I rub on my arms each morning and over a period of time I would regain erections and stay hard, loose the weight gain, 30 lbs over a year, maybe start growing hair (will have to shave more) and my tits will go away (maybe will have to get implants now)
So if you have a gut, cannot get hard or stay hard, have no interest in sex, no body hair, man tits, depression, and others symptoms listed below, go have a blood test, have it check for Testosterone.
Side Effects of Low
Written by The Healthline Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed on February 22, 2013 by George Krucik, MD, MBA
Medically Reviewed on February 22, 2013 by George Krucik, MD, MBA
A decrease in
men’s testosterone level is a natural function of aging.
For each year over age 30, the level of testosterone in men starts to slowly
dip at a rate of around 1 percent annually (Mayo Clinic, 2012).
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), over 13 million men have
low testosterone levels (ADA, 2013).
What does this natural hormonal decrease
really mean? What symptoms or side effects accompany a loss of the male hormone?
Testosterone helps maintain a number of important bodily functions in men,
sex drive
sperm production
muscle mass/strength
fat distribution
bone density
red blood cell
Because testosterone affects so many
functions, its decrease can bring about significant physical and emotional
Sexual Function
One of the biggest worries faced by men with
declining testosterone levels is the possibility that their sexual desire and
performance will be affected. As men age, they can experience a number of
symptoms related to sexual function that may be a result of lowered levels of
this hormone. These include:
reduced desire for sex
fewer erections that
happen spontaneously, such as during sleep
The Cleveland Clinic
suggests that erectile dysfunction (ED) is not commonly caused
by insufficient testosterone production (Cleveland Clinic, 2009).
However, the ADA reports that 70 percent of men with low testosterone levels
have erectile dysfunction, while 63 percent have a low sex
drive (ADA, 2013). In cases
where ED accompanies lower testosterone production, hormone replacement therapy may help rectify the
ED (Cleveland Clinic,
A number of physical shifts can accompany low
testosterone levels. These include:
increased body fat
strength/mass of muscles
fragile bones
decreased body hair
swelling/tenderness in
the breast tissue
hot flashes
increased fatigue
effects on cholesterol
Sleep Disturbances
Despite that fact that
it can cause decreased energy levels, low testosterone can also cause insomnia
and other changes in your sleep patterns. Unfortunately, some therapies
designed to treat low testosterone can contribute to sleep apnea,
which is a serious sleep problem that causes your breathing to stop and start
Emotional Changes
In addition to
physical changes, low levels of testosterone can affect you on an emotional
level. The condition can lead to feelings of sadness ordepression, and an overall
decreased sense of well-being. Some people also have trouble with memory and
concentration, and lowered motivation and self-confidence.
Don’t Assume
While each of the symptoms above may be a
result of a lowered testosterone level, they may also be side effects of normal
aging. Other reasons that you might experience some of these symptoms include:
a thyroid condition
side effects of
alcohol use
To determine what’s
causing these symptoms for you, schedule an appointment with your physician and
request a blood test. A blood test is the only sure way to determine your
testosterone level. Harvard Medical School (HMS) recommends a goal of a
testosterone level of 300 to 450 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) for men over
65 years of age, which is the midpoint of the normal range for the age group (HMS, 2004).
Low Testosterone
How can you figure out
if your testosterone (T) levels have fallen below the normal range?
Understanding the symptoms of Low T is a good place to start. Take a look at
the following list and see if any apply to you. Then talk
to your doctor about what you have noticed.
Some symptoms of Low
Testosterone include:
Fatigue or decreased
Reduced sex drive
Sexual dysfunction
(weak erections, fewer erections)
Depressed mood
Increased body fat
Reduced muscle mass
and strength
Decreased bone
Loss of body hair
(reduced shaving)
Hot flashes, sweats
It's important to
remember that these symptoms may be a sign of Low T or other health conditions
and should not be ignored. If these symptoms sound familiar, talk
to your doctor about them and ask about the blood tests. Keep
in mind that you may not have all of these symptoms, but should discuss the
ones you do have with your doctor.
Disappearing muscles, lack of energy, mood swings, snoring... Is your man suffering low testosterone?
Prone to weight gain? It might not just be lack of sleep or simple greed that’s
the problem. If you’re a man, your excuse could be low testosterone.
For years, many medics regarded
the idea of low testosterone as a bit of a joke. Now it is increasingly being
recognised by the medical profession as a key factor in men’s health.
Scientists at the University of
California, for instance, have found that low levels may drastically increase
the risk of death in men aged over 50.
levels fall by around one per cent a year by the time a man is 30 - age-related
low testosterone is commonly referred to as the male menopause
A study of 800 men found that
those with low levels had a 33 per cent increased risk of dying over an 18-year
period than those with higher levels.
As many as ten per cent of British
men are thought to suffer from low testosterone — or testosterone deficiency
syndrome. Yet many men may not be aware that it is even a problem.
Three-quarters of men have not
heard of the condition, according to a study of more than 1,000 British men
presented last week at the Men’s Health World Congress in Vienna.
Furthermore, while 85 per cent of
the 220 British GPs also questioned in the study considered it a medical
condition worthy of treatment, 90 per cent admitted they were not aware of how
it should be treated.
Testosterone deficiency syndrome
is caused when the testicles, which produce testosterone, do not function
normally, or when the body’s overall hormone production is out of balance.
Age is a risk factor
(testosterone levels fall by around one per cent a year by the time a man is
30) — age-related low testosterone is commonly referred to as the male
menopause, or andropause.
Other causes of low testosterone
include diabetes, obesity and excessive alcohol consumption, explains Professor
Tom Trinick, consultant physician at the Ulster Hospital in Belfast, a leading
authority on testosterone deficiency.
Obesity, diabetes and alcohol
lead to fat forming around the middle — this pumps out the female hormone
oestrogen, counteracting testosterone.
‘Other men produce testosterone
but may be resistant to it, just like diabetics are resistant to insulin,’ says
Dr Malcolm Carruthers, founder of The Centre for Men’s Health in London.
But men don’t have to be fat to
get testosterone deficiency syndrome, says Dr Geoff Hackett, a consultant in
the urology department at the Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, a GP, and one of
the co-authors of last week’s study.
‘I have a patient with low
testosterone who is extremely fit — he runs triathlons and is perfectly slim.’
Damage to the testes as a result
of mumps or chemotherapy for cancer can also affect testosterone levels, adds
Pierre-Marc Bouloux, professor of endocrinology at University College London
and The London Clinic.
As well as raising the overall
risk of premature death, low testosterone is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes
— which can, in turn, lead to lower testosterone, explains Dr Hackett.
‘Just like raised cholesterol can
cause high blood pressure and high blood pressure can cause high cholesterol,
you just treat both rather than ask which came first.’
Low testosterone is linked to
other, more immediate problems — men need the hormone for muscle strength,
healthy bones, positive mood and energy.
Too little can lead to weight
gain, loss of facial and body hair, and joint pain. Low testosterone also
causes hot flushes.
It’s also, not surprisingly,
vital to a man’s potency and sex drive, says Hugh Jones, honorary professor of
andrology at Barnsley Hospital and the University of Sheffield.
‘Many men in the UK blame their
age or their relationship for problems with their sex lives, when actually it
could be due to a hormonal imbalance.’
Under guidelines drawn up last
year by the British Society for Sexual Medicine, diagnosis of the condition
should be based upon symptoms such as weight gain, poor morning erection, low
sexual desire and erectile dysfunction, combined with a blood test taken in the
morning on more than one occasion.
Often the diagnosis and treatment
are not clear cut, so a short-term trial on testosterone replacement therapy
for three to six months is used to help clarify what’s wrong.
Gels and injections are the most
common means of application; a single jab can last three months.
‘When testosterone replacement
therapy is prescribed, it can change the lives of patients and their wives,’
says Dr Hackett.
‘Your GP should always be your
first port of call with any concerns about low testosterone.’
However, others have yet to be
convinced that the problem is as widespread as some say.
‘Some men do have low levels, but
the root cause may be lifestyle factors such as obesity and lack of exercise,’
says professor Bouloux.
‘We must be careful that this is
not being driven by the drug industry. Obese men, for example, often find that
once they lose weight, hormone levels bounce back.
‘The notion of just giving
testosterone to paper over the cracks, rather than undoing the damage, is quite
Another common argument against
testosterone replacement therapy has been that it may increase the risk of
prostate cancer.
However, a new study by Dr Carruthers
and Mark Feneley, a consultant urological surgeon at University College London,
which followed more than 1,500 men who had received testosterone replacement
therapy for up to 15 years, found men taking it were at no more risk of cancer
than those not given the treatment.
This would suggest doctors should
feel happy to recommend testosterone therapy.
Here, four men who were diagnosed
with low testosterone — each with very different causes — share their
‘I lost all my energy — and then put on weight.’
years ago, my legs felt like jelly and I was stumbling around like an old
fool,' said John Savage
As someone who used to spend his
spare time hiking 30 miles a day, John Savage was baffled when he began
suffering from extreme tiredness three years ago.
‘I’ve always been a very active
person but as I stopped training so much the weight crept on,’ recalls the
69-year-old from Chapeltown, South Yorkshire.
By 60, he had type 2 diabetes (at
5ft10in he weighed 16 st) and sleep apnoea (this causes patients to stop
breathing momentarily as they sleep; it is linked to snoring).
‘Then, three years ago, I found I
had no energy; my legs felt like jelly and I was stumbling around like an old
fool,’ he recalls.
He was diagnosed with very low
testosterone while at a routine diabetes check.
His testosterone replacement
therapy started with patches, ‘which weren’t great’. He now has injections
every three months.
‘Everyone can notice the
difference in me — I’m not 100 per cent, but I’m definitely a lot better.’
WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Around 40 per cent of men with Type 2
diabetes have low testosterone levels, according to a study published last year
by Professor Jones.
It’s rather a chicken and egg
situation; in some men, low testosterone might cause diabetes, in others
diabetes may cause low testosterone.
Snoring and sleep apnoea can also
affect testosterone levels, says Dr Shahrad Taheri, lead clinician in weight
management at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital.
‘With sleep apnoea, you can stop
breathing several times a night without realising it, causing oxygen levels in
the body to drop. This in turn blocks the pituitary gland in the base of the
brain from telling the testes to produce testosterone.’
Those most at risk of sleep
apnoea are men over 50 who have a large waist and neck — however, around a
third of patients are not overweight, but have abnormalities such as with the
positioning of their tongue.
‘Low testosterone left me totally depressed.’
'I became
nasty and moody,' said Paul Pennington
Until earlier this year, Paul
Pennington had spent 13 years thinking he was suffering from depression. In
this time he piled on 5 st and ‘lost friends, clients and money’.
‘My staff hated me and, looking
back, I can see why,’ says Paul, 48, a broadcast journalist from North London.
‘I became nasty and moody.’
He initially blamed it on
splitting up with his partner. Thinking diet and exercise would help, he
desperately tried to get himself in shape again.
‘But I just didn’t have the
energy,’ recalls Paul.
It was only when he saw a TV
programme about testosterone deficiency that it suddenly clicked.
‘I booked a consultation and a
simple blood sample confirmed I had low testosterone,’ he says. He believes the
hectic, stressful lifestyle he lived in his 20s and 30s could be to blame.
Paul was prescribed a low-dose
gel to apply on his shoulders twice a day.
‘Within 24 hours I felt alive
again, and the brain fog had lifted.’
He is so passionate about the
treatment that he recently became chief executive of the Andropause Society to
raise awareness of the condition.
‘I want other men with this
condition to know there is liberation from it and you can live a normal life
again,’ he says.
WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Physical or mental stress can affect the
pituitary gland and reduce the amount of testosterone produced, explains Dr
Stress also increases levels of
the stress hormone cortisol, which also reduces testosterone secretion. Alcohol
— which so many of us turn to when stressed — also plays a role.
‘Even a couple of glasses of wine
a day can affect your testosterone, particularly if you are overweight,’ says
Professor Trinick.
‘Something else that’s often
overlooked are painkillers that contain opiates, especially if you take a lot
of them. A very common one, cocodamol 30-500, is a common culprit.’
‘I felt really anxious, tired and aggressive.’
5'Some days I'd be OK,
other days I'd get really anxious and feel tired and lethargic,' said Julian
Cousins After the devastating diagnosis of cancer, Julian Cousins was one of
the many thousands of men who suffered from low testosterone following
chemotherapy treatment. Julian, 47, a tennis coach from South-West London, was
diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2002 after finding a lump while showering.
He underwent an intensive course of chemotherapy to shrink the
cancer, before undergoing surgery to remove what was left and preserve the
testicle. The treatment was a success, but left him feeling dreadful.
‘Some days I’d be OK, other days I’d get really anxious and feel
tired and lethargic, then wound up and aggressive,’ he says,
‘I wasn’t offered testosterone replacement, so I decided to take a
herbal testosterone stimulant called Tribulus from a health food shop to boost
my testosterone levels and my doctors seemed OK with this.
‘Since then I’ve been lucky enough to marry and become a dad
naturally to my two girls, Emilia and Georgie.’
WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: ‘In terms of treatment, it
can take between one and two years for the hormones to recover after
chemotherapy,’ says Julian’s oncologist Tim Oliver, professor Emeritus of
medical oncology at St. Bartholomew’s and The Royal London School of Medicine.
‘Chemotherapy basically poisons the cancer cells, so they die. But
this poisoning also affects normal cells in the body, diminishing their
function and reducing the production of hormones. Some men may also find they
have an earlier decline of testosterone as they age.’
In a study published in the journal Cancer, researchers from
Sheffield University said that around 15 per cent of male cancer survivors
develop testosterone deficiency for which they may need treatment.
Young male cancer survivors in particular experienced a marked
impairment in quality of life, as well as reduced energy levels and quality of
sexual function.
These experiences were exacerbated in survivors with testosterone
‘My wife was suspicious as I lost interest in sex.’
lifting a shopping bag or picking up a tennis ball was too much in the end,'
said Paul Bearley
As the tears streamed down his
face while watching the X Factor, Paul Bearley knew something was very wrong.
‘I couldn’t believe I’d gone from
a fit, strong PE teacher to this,’ says the father-of three-from Sutton
Coldfield. ‘I was having mood swings.’
Over the next few months, Paul,
5 ft 5 in and 11 st, gained 6 st.
‘One moment I was crying, the
next lashing out at my wife and daughters. If one of the children squared up to
me at school I had to hold back the tears,’ he recalls.
‘One of the most upsetting things
was that my wife Susan was convinced I was having an affair, because I didn’t
want to have sex.
‘It wasn’t anything to do with
her — I didn’t have the energy or inclination to do anything. Even lifting a
shopping bag or picking up a tennis ball was too much in the end.’
As a result, last year he was
forced to retire early from work on medical grounds, aged 57.
Finally, a new GP referred him to
Dr Geoff Hackett, who is based at his local hospital, to have his hormone
levels checked, which were found to be low.
Now Paul receives an injection of
testosterone (in the buttocks) every three months.
‘After about ten weeks Susan
commented that I was being more affectionate. As time went on, we were able to
get back to normal and now we’re closer than ever. She says I’m like the man
she married now.’
WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Just how many men suffer testosterone
deficiency with age is not clear — estimates vary from between eight per cent
of men aged 50-79 to as high as 20 per cent.
Many middle-aged men develop
erection problems and automatically turn to Viagra or similar drugs such as
Levitra or Cialis.
‘But men for whom Viagra isn’t
working adequately need to have their cases reviewed,’ says Dr Hackett.
‘If low testosterone is the proble What is AndroGel 1.62%?
AndroGel® (testosterone
gel) 1.62%, a controlled substance (CIII), is a daily testosterone replacement
therapy (TRT) that can help bring your T levels back to normal with daily use.
In a clinical study of 274 men who had Low Testosterone, some
usedAndroGel 1.62% and some used placebo. Of the men who used AndroGel 1.62%once
daily for 16 weeks, 82% had their testosterone levels returned to normal
compared to 37% of those who used placebo.
About AndroGel 1.62%
AndroGel® (testosterone gel) 1.62% is the #1
prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy (as of September 2012). The
testosterone inAndroGel 1.62% is the same as the testosterone that your
body makes naturally.
AndroGel 1.62% can transfer from your body to others. This
can happen if other people come into contact with the area where the AndroGel
1.62% was applied. Signs of puberty that are not expected have happened in
young children who were accidentally exposed to testosterone through skin-to-skin
contact with men using topical testosterone products like AndroGel 1.62%. Women
and children should avoid contact with the unwashed or unclothed area where
AndroGel 1.62% has been applied. Patients must strictly follow the recommended
instructions for use.
Benefits of AndroGel 1.62%
AndroGel 1.62% is a clear, odorless, and
concentrated quick-drying gel. And it offers you packaging options in the form
of a metered-dose pump or packets, so you and your doctor can choose what works
best for you. AndroGel is available on most insurance plans. Contact your
insurance plan to get more details about your coverage.
Do not use AndroGel 1.62% if you
have breast cancer or have or might have prostate cancer. AndroGel 1.62% is not meant for use in women and must not
be used in women who are or may become pregnant, or are breast-feeding.AndroGel 1.62% may
harm the unborn or breast-feeding baby. Women who are pregnant or who may
become pregnant should avoid contact with the area of skin where AndroGel 1.62%
has been applied.
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