I was getting fat. According to the medical profession I was obese. My weight was 244 lbs with my height being 5 foot 10 inches. My Body Mass Index was 35. My ideal weight is 190 lbs. I had several medical conditions: pre diabetes, hypotension, sleeping did order and a incisional hernia.
When I dressed I looked pregnant. I even started to shop for pregnant woman clothing so things would fit and hide my few extra pounds. One of my admires commented on my weight and mentioned that he knew a doctor who taught the weight reduction surgery at the local University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
I met the doctor and after reviewing my medical history recommended the sleeve surgery. This operation would be done
Laparoscopy and would remove four fifths of my stomach. It would remove the part of my stomach that creates the hungry feel you have with not food to digest. My people cannot loose weight because this hungry feeling will make you eat. The operation reduces the size of your stomach that allows you to reduced your calories per day. I should be able to loos the fifty four pounds in six month.
The operation cost $11,500 with the insurance not paying for the cost because I was not on a diet plan supervised by a doctor. I had been to a doctor many months before and put on a diet but was never supervised, or in a weight program like Jenny Craig. It really did not matter, I was fat, my health issues started to have an affect on my activities. Walking up two flight of stairs would make me out of breath.
I took the money out of my retirement account and had the operation on the last day of February 2017. I was on a liquid diet for three weeks. The liquid diet was apple juice, broth soup, sixty four ounces of water and jell. I started to loos one pound of fat a day for thirty days. Next I was placed on a semi liquid diet for thirty days that allowed me to eat scrambled eggs, apple sauce, soup from can and sixty ounces of water a day. I continue to loos weight at about a pound every two days.
At the end of the second month I was thirty eight pounds lighter.
My pants went from a 44 to a 38, my chest went from a fifty four to a fourth four. Lucky I still kept my A cup and they even looked better because my stomach was going. I stopped loosing weight after a few months due to a variety of reasons have maintained my weight at two hundred four pounds. My pants size is less than a 38 but a little more than a 36. I am able to walk without getting out of breath.
I am still looking to loose the last fourteen pounds over the next month. I will go on the semi liquid diet.
I think I look sexier, I did all this so Cindy would be looking sexier for the men I meet. I was in size 22 to 24 woman dress and now I am down to 16 to 18 dress. A lot of my cloths now do not fit and will purge them. Some of the clothing I purchased did not fit and now they do. I have some pre-operation photos of my body but have not taken any post operation. When I do I will post them.