100 reasons to cross-dress
I found this list and would like to give credit to
100 reasons to crossdress
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]I thought I
would create a list of reasons to crossdress, or reasons behind a desire
to crossdress. Please keep in mind that the author is a plain old MtF
crossdresser, nothing more, nothing less, so I can only enumerate along
my own lines of thought. Your reasons may vary, or you may have no
reason at all, or crossdressing may not even be a choice for you – I
understand. Anyway, I wish to present my 100 reasons to crossdress:
1) Because you can...
2) Why not? Time is short...
3) You have a keen sense of touch, and you love the tactile nature of female clothing...
4) You enjoy “acting” out a role in your own ongoing autobiography...
5) Your heroes are all heroines...
6) Someone once dressed you up, and you liked it...
7) There is a history of crossdressing, along with a “community” of kindred spirits...
8) It all made perfect sense one day, didn’t it?
9) You just love to burn bridges...
10) You’re fascinated by your own reflection...
11) You’re a pervert, a deviant, and one of nature’s mistakes (to society)...
12) You think you’re special, and you dress accordingly...
13) Are you a fetishist? Yeah, me too...
14) You may or may not have latent homosexual tendencies, but so what?
15) You would much rather be a girl...
16) You feel the need to explain yourself, but you can’t find the words, so you dress...
17) You dress purely for sexual reasons...
18) Others do it, and have done it, so why can’t you?
19) You detest male clothing, and the limited choices that are available...
20) You dress to side-step your masculinity in a BIG way...
21) You enjoy doing things that can’t be easily explained...
22) You want to be pretty, and you’re sick of DRAB...
23) You want to do something that takes real courage...
24) You’re a shy boy, you were never picked for the team, and bullies picked on you...
25) You once saw a girl/lady/woman in a movie, and it made a BIG impression on you...
26) You cry when you see (or hear) something really beautiful...
27) You like to turn the male OFF by tucking him away...
28) You really, really, really, really, really like panties...
29) You identified with your mother for one reason or another...
30) You needed to express yourself, for your own sake...
31) You went down to the crossroads, and you fell down on your knees...
32) You dared to be REAL...
33) Virility is not your thing, but effeminacy appeals to you...
34) The idea of syzygy makes perfect sense...
35) You actively seek your own parallel universe...
36) In your mind, you’re a princess...
37) You never thought you’d do it, but darned if you didn’t actually DO it...
38) You enjoy slippery slopes...
39) To you, “Active Female Support” is a lifestyle...
40) You love the feeling of air under your skirt...
41) You know where you’re coming from, but not where you’re going to...
42) Why be ugly, when you can be truly beautiful?
43) To you, conformity is a dirty word...
44) You want to see how far you can go, even though there are no limits...
45) Because the phrase “JUST DO IT” inspires you every time...
46) You fell on your head as a child, and something miraculous happened...
47) You’re passive, rather than aggressive or passive-aggressive...
48) You have smaller than normal feet, so you love women’s’ shoes...
49) You ARE what you wear, and you wish to be feminine...
50) Its fun to feel vulnerable, n’est ce pas?
51) You paint life in vivid colors, using big brushstrokes...
52) You wanted a REALLY interesting hobby...
53) This is the role you were born to play, and you care about doing it well...
54) You love all girly things, even bed canopies and stuffed animals...
55) You apologize often, which tells others you’re weak and un-manly. Too bad...
56) WOW! What a rush! Truly awesome...
57) You’re a sissified boy, a fairy, and a mythical forest creature...
58) You hug and kiss, rather than shake hands – you NEED a hug!
59) You are tolerant to a fault, even tolerating those who “troll” for a reaction from you...
60) The word “flounce” gives you goose bumps...
61) You visualize yourself dressed in pink...
62) You turn away from male preoccupations, and seek the female...
63) You never wanted to join the club...
64) You like boys – are you in denial about this?
65) You really DON’T like boys...
66) You really don’t want to be anything like a boy...
67) Passing is your fancy – you wish to be seen THIS way...
68) Clothes that MOVE – what a concept!
69) You’re creating your own masterpiece from found materials...
70) You seek to incorporate the genders within, and declare this union via the clothes you wear...
71) You enjoy playing dress-up, or playing at being a girl...
72) You pursue happiness with vigor...
73) You dream about becoming that imaginary, intangible female you admire...
74) You make friends easily, as long as you can be YOU...
75) If you’re an artist, it follows that you’re a work of art, created by you to BE you...
76) You love going against the expectations of others - within reason, of course...
77) You’re timeless and impractical, yet charming and self-effacing...
78) You enjoy being different from others...
79) You enjoy being VERY different from others...
80) The idea of having (or making) an overnight doll bag sounds good to you...
81) You enjoy shaving (everything, I mean)...
82) Emulation, not imitation, is the key to your ongoing integration...
83) To you, everything “wrong” is inherently correct...
84) Why wear long shorts when you can wear a skirt? It’s only logical...
85) Your place of worship is the closet...
86) You LIVE in the closet, or you take it with you when you go out...
87) You “awoke” to the possibilities some time ago, and you are truly awake...
88) Is it because you were born prematurely? Probably not, but carry on...
89) You’d rather be in the company of females, and skip the male bonding rituals...
90) You hold your truths to be self-evident...
91) You know the art of compromise, so you give way gracefully (even to your “self”)...
92) You found a hidden doorway many years ago, and you are curious by nature...
93) You listened to yourself when you said “I’ve got to get out of here!”
94) You like to stay within yourself, where the genders dance together...
95) You are the most interesting boy on the block...
96) You like challenges, and this qualifies as a really difficult challenge...
97) You found yourself one day, and it turned out to be YOU all along...
98) You need impossible dreams to survive...
99) You want to be ALL you can be, and you can be anything you WANT to be...
100) It’s FUN!!!
Well, that’s enough for now. Please feel free to add to my list of
reasons any way you see fit – I don’t know why I write these things, but
it has a lot to do with insomnia, I think. In case you’re wondering,
many of the reasons on this list echo my own reasons for crossdressing,
with a few notable exceptions. I am merely Freddy, a work-in-progress,
and I am thankful for your support, my dear sisters...
PS – I am the most interesting boy on the block, but I have very little competition...
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