I found this link on cross-dressing.
Why do men cross-dress?
If you want to know, why men
cross-dress then read the answers at http://www.crossdressingfreedom.com/crossdressing-opinions/why-do-men-crossdress/
these answers have been taken from a survey that was completed on over 400 men who
cross-dress. As you read the list, you may be surprised at some of the reasons but
nonetheless it goes to show the complexity of the reasons behind why men choose
to wear clothes of the opposite sex.
Another survey by Vernon Coleman
listed these interesting results. Coleman made a survey of cross-dressers. The European
Medical Journal Special Monograph On Transvestism/Cross-dressing was based on questionnaires
which were completed by 414 British males during July and August 1995 and on written
communications from over 600 other British males during the same period.
a) Because I like the feeling
of women’s clothes: 321 (77%)
b) Because it gives me a sexual
kick: 244 (59%)
c) Because it helps me relax
and deal with stress: 202 (48%)
d) Because I want to be like
a woman: 262 (63%)."
It is very naturally to think
that men who cross-dress are Gay or do not enjoy being a man. These assumptions
are NOT true for most male cross-dresser.
At Cross-dressing Freedom
website a survey was completed by over 400 men who cross-dress. They were asked
to complete this statement,
"I Like To Cross-Dress
I crossdressed long before having sex with a male. But now I am completely gay. I want to be with girls like us and nice guys