Sunday, November 17, 2019

Men that dress in woman underwear

There are many reasons why a man might choose to cross-dress.
  • Mild personality disorder slightly deprived sensual and tactile relationship with the mother especially.
  • Psychological reason as simply dress for the pure sensual pleasure of it.
  • For a bisexual male, crossdressing may be an aspect of the man wishing to literally adopt the feminine role in a bisexual relationship.
  • Others cross-dress as a form of play, and often do so with the encouragement and consent of their wives/partners.
  • A great majority of crossdressers practice in what is called 'the closet' which is often a reflection of the refusal of a female partner to accept what she might perceive as non-masculine behavior.

One of the gender behaviors that children may do is Cross-dressing. Playing dress up is a healthy way for young children to learn about gender roles of for men and woman. Sometime a child will want to dress in the clothes of the other sex because the child believe that their parents prefer children of the other sex. Some studies reports another reason why a child might cross-dress they do not have people of the same sex as role models.
A review of many cross-dresser stories they got started by an older sister playing dress up with them being dressed in girly things. Sometimes a boy does something naughty relating to the girls, and his punishment is to be dress as a girl. Maybe a child starts cross-dressing about their curiosity about being around girls and woman that he tries to associate in clothing like them. For whatever the reason the pre-teen will continue into puberty with has cross-dressing, good or bad experience. Some boys will grow out of cross-dressing, usually when they discover real girls.


For the teenage boy, he experiences nocturnal dreams and the feeling of his first climax. It does not take long for him to learn how to masturbate. For some boys, masturbation becomes a fixation, something they do three, four or more times a day. Some boys will discover that if they use something soft, silky or satin will make the sensation of masturbation for pleasurable. This finds this material in the laundry or hanging on a close line or tucked away in woman’s drawers where they should not be looking. At this point, the panties become frottage and the boy the frotteur.
The frotteur, a figure that populates serological literature about sexual deviance, initially was characterized as a usually male paraphiliac (a person that exclusively relies on one atypical or extreme activity for sexual arousal and gratification) who enjoys rubbing covered or bared genitals against strangers in public places. Much of the literature, including the first appearance of the term frotteurism in the German sexologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathic Sexualis (1886), places the frotteur in crowded public places where he furtively attempts to rub himself against unknowing females. In using of panties as frottage, the young masturbator substitutes female panties for the unknowing women.

You are reading this article because you have dressed before and you are interested in continuing, or you have never cross-dressed before but some reason you have a desire to try something new. At this point, there are several directions you can take. What path you choose will depend on your body hair, yes, your body hair.
Everyone knows that men that cross-dress must be smooth all over but what happens if you have a beard and do not want to shave.

Gender Bending

Some men are gender bender. A gender bender (LGBT slang: one who genderfucks) is a person who disrupts, or "bends," expected gender roles. Gender-bending is sometimes a form of social activism undertaken to destroy rigid gender roles and defy sex-role stereotypes, notably in cases where the gender-nonconforming person finds these roles oppressive. It can be a reaction to, and protest of, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny or misandry. Some gender benders identify with the sex assigned them at birth but challenge the societal norms that assign expectations of, gendered behavior to that sex. This rebellion can involve androgynous dress, adornment, behavior, and atypical gender roles. Gender benders may self-identify as trans or genderqueer. However, many trans people do not consider themselves "gender benders."
Cross-dressing would be a form of gender-bending because the purpose is to "fuck with gender" roles and presentation. If you have a full beard or like to stay unshaven, you can still cross-dress.

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